Keeping memories alive

Good morning and welcome back to another blog. 

With many of us surviving Mother’s Day without that special someone, I’d like to focus on keeping memories alive this week in the hope that it offers comfort to anyone struggling. 

Memorial Books 

Etsy is a great go-to place to buy high quality memorial books, you could invest in one and ask members of the family or close friends to pay tribute to your loved one by documenting special memories within the book that you can reflect on. The lovely thing about memorial books is that you can add to them over time and build everlasting memories together. 

Letters to Loved ones 

I’ve seen some beautiful books on Amazon recently that contain blank pages for writing letters to loved ones gone. This could be a really nice idea to keep beside the bed or on the kitchen side, for those moments when we feel the need to say something to that special someone. Simply emptying those thoughts from our head can mentally unburden us and assist with emotional healing. 

Lighting a candle 

Candles have forever been a symbol of peace. There is nothing quite like the lighting of a candle when we feel the need to tap in to a moment of reflection. 

For many of us, even the word ‘memorial’ can touch a nerve and it can all feel very overwhelming. For days like those, I recommend keeping a candle or two in the cupboard, just so that you can light one and have a moment to reflect on those happy times. 

Often, taking a floral tribute to a last resting place can also fill us with dread, but lighting a candle at home where we feel safe can bridge that gap and provide us with our own personal space of reflection. 

If Heaven had a Postcode 

If you’re after something that incorporates all of the above and more, then why not treat your loved one and yourself to a copy of ‘If Heaven had a Postcode’?

This unique take on a memorial book, promises to coach you through the hard times, it provides pages of reflection, areas to add photos, beautiful poetry and surprise envelopes packed with added extras. Loved by Children and grown ups alike, If Heaven had a Postcode would be the prefect addition to any coffee table. Never miss a birthday, never miss a special occasion and keep their memory alive year after year with its unique and refillable feature which will be loved by all the family,

Link to order below:

I hope you’ll find some suggestions above on keeping memories alive.

I’ll be back with more ideas, suggestions and bereavement survival tips soon.

Thank you so much for being here, 

Sabrina x


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